It might be presumptuous to ask, "Spread the word!" But I hope you will. (Including by reviews on Amazon.)
This is a wonderful book, I do believe. It includes thought-provoking essays by the likes of Philip Yancey, quantum physicist Don Page, Oxford historian of science Allan Chapman, missiologist Miriam Adeney, astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez, and Chinese reformer Yuan Zhiming. (Though some of my favorites are by lesser-known writers.) My own essay is called "The Fingerprints of Jesus." The book also contains conversations with pioneering Christian thinkers Alvin Plantinga, Rodney Stark, and Don Richardson.

Here are reviews by Penn State historian Philip Jenkins
"David Marshall has gathered a really distinguished array of contributors, who have all thought deeply about faith in its global context, and the different essays work wonderfully well together. The book makes a splendid memorial to two truly great individuals, Paul Brand and Ralph Winter."
And Yale philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff
"What makes the collection especially fascinating and valuable is the individuality and particularity of the stories -- a concrete testimony to the fact that the Christian intellectual life takes many forms."
If you haven't read the book yet, whoever you are, you'll almost certainly enjoy it. (That's the first time I've made that claim about one of my books to a general audience.)
If you have read it, reviews on Amazon are very welcome, even if they are critical at some points.
Please tell people what you honestly think!
Faith Seeking Understanding is a great book to give away to non-Christian or Christian friends. It'd also make a very meaty, but enjoyable, study book for an adult Bible study, or for a college group.
Honestly, I think there is more food for thought packed into this one volume, than almost any other book I know.
I'll be on the road next month, sharing some of the themes from this book: in Missouri, Ohio, Michigan, and Wyoming, at least. More on that, later.
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