Jesus and the Religions of Man, which I have the most of, is a wonderful book, a book that will change how you, or those you love, see the world. Don't take my word for it: read the reviews below.
So, here's the deal. Buy ONE copy of my new book, How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test: The Inside Story (which is also getting fantastic reviews -- again, below, or at Amazon [ignore the one-star reviews by people who didn't read the book]) at $4 off . . . just $13 . . . and I will give you as many copies of Jesus and the Religions of Man as you like . . . for free! (And add postage, I don't want to pay for that!)
Use these books for ministry. Give them away to friends, Christian and non-Christian. They will cause your friends (and you, if you haven't read them yet) to see the world in a fresh and very exciting new light.
I would love to see people make use of these books.
Here are the reviews:

Dr. Ivan Satyavrata, Indian Theologian
"Marshall is uniquely gifted as a writer – his careful scholarship, depth of insight and logical analysis is matched only by his illustrative genius as he skilfully blends inspired prose and vivid imagination in a much-needed, readable counter to the contemporary assault of the new atheists. This is a book you will not want to put down once you begin to read it, and a `must-read’ for any thoughtful follower of Christ. It has immense value both as a apologetic and pastoral tool - to help demolish obstacles to faith among genuine sceptics, and to encourage the weak and equip the strong within the community of faith.
Miriam Adeney, Seattle Pacific Missiologist:
"Widely travelled and widely read, David Marshall unlocks a wealth of wisdom in this book . . . Greek and Roman Christianity, Viking Christianity, Indian Christianity, and Chinese Christianity are visited by a scholar who is fluent in the major languages of Asia. What is truth? How do we know? What is love? Such questions are explored with flashes of dry humor and wit. Christ's many gifts to humankind are described from an original perspective. By turns, Christ is seen as a koan master, a sage, a guru, a messiah, and a reformer, as well as the center of the cosmos, the suffering sacrifice, and the risen Lord. "Christ fulfilled the archtypes and prophecies given by Plato, Homer, Confucius, Lao Zi, Mencius, the Norse poets, and the great Vedic and Zhou texts. This book is a treasure chest. Read it and you will be enriched."
Brad Cooper, pastor
"I found myself being carried along as if by an incoming hurricane, swept along by David's wit and mastery of metaphor. But unlike a hurricane, David did not leave behind a barren wasteland in his wake. Instead, fresh insights from the history of religions sprung up page after page, and an original and cogent argument had grown tall and strong as a redwood when the winds finally died down . . .
"At one point, I was thinking to myself: "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed reading a book this much." (And I read a lot.) Then I remembered that it was when I read Chesterton's Orthodoxy. Quite honestly, I think this book even surpasses that for me."
Randal Rauser, Canadian philosopher
"For some time now, Christianity’s cultured despisers have claimed that the Christian faith fails the so-called outsider test for faith. In this delightful riposte, David Marshall demonstrates the opposite is the case: Christianity, of all faiths, is most adept to pass this test. Nor is this a dry academic volume: Marshall presents his case with rhetorical wit and the cosmopolitan vision of a true world citizen. A must have for any apologist."
Don Richardson, author, Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts:
"An engrossing historical tapestry laden with insight . . . Read on and be enriched!"
Tom Gilson, Thinking Christian blog:
"In the earliest days of the church there was a skeptic named Celsus whose works have been lost, and whose name would be forgotten had not Origen written his important rebuttal, Contra Celsus . . . Much as Celsus has become a footnote to Origen, I suspect (skeptic John) Loftus is destined to become a footnote to Marshall . . . an outstanding read by a terrific storyteller, broad in scope, great in depth."
Frederica Matthewes-Green, free-lance writer (National Review, Christianity Today, etc)
"David Marshall takes cultural analysis several levels deeper, and in prose that is several levels higher, than we've come to expect. The result is not only enlightening but also a great deal of fun to read."
David Leshana, President Emeritus, Seattle Pacific University
David Leshana, President Emeritus, Seattle Pacific University
"Very well done . . . This book should be read by all who . . . are preparing for ministry in an increasingly multicultural world."
Leslie Keylock, professor of Apologetics, Moody Bible Institute
Leslie Keylock, professor of Apologetics, Moody Bible Institute
"Carefully reasoned and beautifully written by a man who has read widely . . . One of the finest books on world religions I have read in a long time."
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
"Learned, urbane, and refreshing."
Jason Pratt, novelist
"In my opinion, this book is an entirely fitting successor to Chesterton's Everlasting Man. With both passion and compassion, Mr. Marshall blends rigorous research with touches of poignantly poetic flair, in a forceful tour of incisive probing into what could be called the 'practical guts' of very many religious traditions."
A scholar of Japanese culture and new Christian
"What I liked most about (Jesus and the Religions of Man) is that it gave me a framework with which to think about and understand Christianity in the modern, pluralistic world."
TO ORDER: Send $14, plus $4 for one copy of How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test, and $1 each for each additional book requested (ask about postage on orders above 10), to David Marshall / PO BOX 403 / Fall City, WA 98024.
Warning: I'm flying back to China on February 17th. I'll personally mail out all orders that come in by the 16th. After that, your order may take just a little bit longer
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