Begin with 10 ^ 12 chickens, recently deceased (Colvin 2012).
Italian parsley (freshly picked from roots.)
Oregano (dried leaves)
Place in 10 ^ 12 microwave ovens.*
* Helpful Preparation Tip: To save time, locate a planet on which chickens or chicken-like beings have been the dominant life-form, near a star about to go supernova.

Cook 3 hours on "simmer."
Wait for one or more Resurrecting Finite Miracle Workers (Martin 1991: 99) to show up, and work their magic.
Open microwave ovens (or, emerge from fall-out shelter after peak radiation has passed). Release reinvigorated and perhaps mutated zombie chickens, as applicable. Feed them the rice. Rub seasoning on own flesh to disguise self as inedible plant form.
Thus, atheism. Q.E.D.
When asked for more theology posts, I wasn't expecting *this*.
No one was expecting this. Especially the chickens.
I'm going out on a limb here and say that you don't know much (if anything) about abiogenesis do you?
And I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't know much (if anything) about humor, do you?
I have a good sense of humor. The problem is you're trying to spoof the RNA model of abiogenesis with this silly chicken story that isn't even remotely similar to the RNA model. Martin's "miracle workers" were not even used to address the origins issue but argue against Jesus's resurrection.
You're being a bore. Try rebutting an argument, not a joke. It is enough that one person laughs at one of my jokes, and since I, at least, found this amusing, I am satisfied.
I explain why your "joke" makes no sense and you get testy. LOL! OK then. What argument of yours would you like me to rebut? Your woman and Christianity argument? Your science and Christianity argument? Or maybe your OTF argument? Or you can choose.
How about this. You can choose what you'd like me to tear into, I'll post it to my blog and you can respond on your blog.
Who are you, and why should I care? So far, your tone hasn't really lived up to what we ask for here, and I haven't seen too much substance.
LOL!!! Youre too much. I think I might have been far to optimistic believing you would be a serious challenger.
No answer. Even for commentary on a joke about microwaved chickens, this is weak.
One more chance. I'm not being "testy," here, but I do insist on maintaining standards on this site. Identify yourself, and put up something more meaty than you have, so far, or kindly do take yourself a hike.
And no one can say the OP was not "meaty."
The only thing "meaty" about the OP are the chickens. I explained the issues with it in a previous comment.
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